Cancellations by you
Life can be unpredictable, which is why we offer a free cancellation* up to 7 days before your stay.
If you cancel within 7 days, full payment will be due as it will be unlikely that we will be able to resell the room.
We strongly suggest that you take out travel insurance: If you have to cancel within 7 days, you may be able to make a claim to recover your costs. We will provide you with an invoice as proof of your payment.
*For reservations of 3 or more rooms, we require a 25% non-refundable deposit 3 months prior to your stay. If you cancel within 7 days, the remaining 75% payment will be due.
We take debit/credit card details to secure your booking. No payment is taken from this card unless cancellation is made within 7 days, in which case we will charge the card for the amount due.
Not arriving for check-in is treated as a cancellation, and the full payment will be due.
Cancellations by us
We will, of course, do everything to ensure we can fulfil your reservation. Where we cannot, due to circumstances that we cannot control, we will speak to you to try to find a solution that’s best for you. This may be changing your reservation dates, asking one of our neighbouring B&Bs to take your booking or refunding your stay.